Posts Taggedcodependency

Hypnosis for Fear of Abandonment

In this video, we explore the topic of hypnosis for fear of abandonment. If you struggle with feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and fear surrounding abandonment, you are not alone. These feelings can be overwhelming and impact your relationships and daily life.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help you overcome your fear of abandonment. Our experienced hypnotherapist Anne marie Wiesman will guide you through a relaxing and transformative session that will help you access your subconscious mind and reprogram negative thought patterns.

Through hypnosis, you can learn to recognize and challenge your fear of abandonment, develop new coping mechanisms, and feel more confident and secure in yourself and your relationships.

This video is suitable for anyone who struggles with a fear of abandonment, whether it’s related to romantic relationships, friendships, or family.

If you’re ready to take control of your fear of abandonment and start living a more fulfilling life, join us for this powerful and transformative hypnosis session. Hit play now and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you!

Listen as often as needed to help reduce any fear of abandonment. This video is a great way to help you calm yourself through breathing. This recording can help to calm your mind and relax your body through your FREE hypnosis-guided meditation.

#hypnosis #fear #relaxation #abandonment #guidedmeditation #stress #codependentnomore #codependency #codependent


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Overcoming Codependency through Hypnosis

In this hypnosis video, we will work together to help you overcome codependency, a pattern of behavior in which you prioritize the needs and feelings of others. It can begin to feel like your constantly trying to help them manage their life to the detriment of your own peace and hapiness.

A telltale sign of codependency according to Melody Beattie is when “You begin to focus so much on another person and their life, that you lose yourself. Hence not having to focus on your own bullshit, how convienient, except it doesn’t work. You are trying so hard to fix them and their life while your own life meanwhile may be falling apart. Not a recipe for success in a relationship. More of a catalyst for being a martry and holding lots of resentments around “all that you have done for them.”

“Meanwhile they never even asked you too, nor should you really be doing for those that which they can do themselves. That’s the idea anyway. Sometimes easier said than done, or is it? It depends on whether or not you are ready to place the focus where it belongs, on yourself. Or the expression “to clean up your side of the street.” Codependency can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and a sense of being trapped in unhealthy relationships.”

Through the power of hypnosis, we will work to reprogram your subconscious mind and break free from these codependent patterns of behavior. You will be guided into a deeply relaxed state where you can release any negative beliefs and emotions that may be holding you back.

During the session, you will receive positive affirmations and suggestions that will help you build self-confidence, self-love, and self-worth. You will learn to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize your own needs, while still being compassionate and supportive towards others.

With regular use, this hypnosis video can help you overcome codependency and cultivate healthy relationships built on mutual respect and emotional balance. Start your journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life today.

Listen as often as needed to help Overcome Codependency. This video is a great way to help you calm yourself through breathing. This recording can help to calm your mind and relax your body through your FREE hypnosis-guided meditation with Hypnotherapist Anne Marie Wiesman

#hypnosis #codependency #relaxation #CODA #guidedmeditation #stress #stressrelief #recovery #12steps #melodybeattie


If you would like to support my work with survivors, please consider purchasing one of my custom-made products:

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